Atec Февраль 16 2008 20:05:56
Книга только для ознакомления
The third daughter of the late Dowager seemed to regard me as her
special friend and guest, and insisted on my coming over to a
white curtain that separated us from the view of the gentlemen,
and from there I watched the proceedings of princes and officials
who went through a similar ceremony. There was this difference
with them, however, as they entered through the great canopied
court, they were conducted by white-robed servants directly to
the altar, and there kneeling, they made their obeisance to the
spirit of the departed, after which they went into the room where
the Prince and the other male descendants of the dead Dowager
were kneeling and prostrating themselves.
There was a heavy yellow curtain over the door that led into the
sacrificial hall, and when the servants from without announced a
visitor, this curtain was drawn aside, and as the guest and a
flood of light entered, the mourners began their wailing which
they continued until he had departed. These visitors remained but
a moment, while the ladies who were there were all near
relatives, and were dressed either entirely or partially in
The room in which these ladies knelt was draped in white. The
cushions were all covered with white, and all porcelain and other
decorations had been removed. The floor was covered with a heavy
rope matting, on which the ladies knelt--all except the Princess,
for whom was prepared a small dark blue felt cushion