Robert Heinlein - Citizen Of The Galaxy
Atec Февраль 20 2008 18:00:37
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. There were no other nominations.
"The Secretary will call the roll," Weemsby intoned.
"Announce your votes by shares as owners, followed by votes as proxy. The Clerk will check serial numbers against the Great Record. Thor Rudbek . . . of Rudbek."
Thorby voted all 45%-minus that he controlled, then sat down feeling very weary. But he got out a pocket calculator. There were 94,000 voting shares; he did not trust himself to keep tally in his head. The Secretary read on, the clerk droned his checks on the record. Thorby needed to pick up 5657 votes, to win by one vote.
He began slowly to pick up odd votes -- 232, 906, 1917 -- some of them directly, some through proxy. But Weemsby picked up votes also. Some shareholders answered, "Pass to proxy," or failed to respond -- as the names marched past and these missing votes did not appear, Thorby was forced to infer that Weemsby held those proxies himself. But still the additional votes for "Rudbek of Rudbek" mounted -- 2205, 3036, 4309 . . . and there it stuck. The last few names passed.
Garsch leaned toward him. "Just the sunshine twins left."
"I know." Thorby put away his calculator, feeling sick -- so Weemsby had won, after all.
The Secretary had evidently been instructed what names to read last. "The Honorable Curt Bruder!"
Bruder voted his one qualifying share for Weemsby. "Our Chairman, Mr. John Weemsby