Robert A. Heinlein - The Cat Who Walked Through Walls
Atec Февраль 29 2008 20:18:18
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She sighed. "Richard, I hurried you. But I had to. Now I can no longer be
required to testify against you in any jurisdiction anywhere. I want to help in
any way that I can. Why did you kill him, dear? And how?"
"In waking a tiger, use a long stick.**
MAO TSE-TUNG 1893-1976
I stared thoughtfully at my bride. "You are a gallant lady, my love, and I
am grateful that you do not want to testify against me. But I am not sure that
the legal principle you cited can be applied in this jurisdiction."
"But that's a general rule of justice, Richard. A wife can't be forced to
testify against her husband. Everyone knows that."
"The question is: Does the Manager know it? The Company asserts that the
habitat has only one law, the Golden Rule, and claims that the Manager's
regulations are merely practical interpretations of that law, just guidelines
subject to change-change right in the middle of a hearing and retroactive, if
the Manager so decides. Gwen, I don't know. The Manager's Proxy might decide
that you are the Company's star witness."
"I won't do it! I won't!"
"Thank you, my love. But let's find out what your testimony would be were
you to be a witness in-what shall we call it? Eh, suppose that I am charged with
having wrongfully caused the death of, uh, Mr. X... Mr. X being the stranger who
came to our table last night when you excused yourself to visit the ladies'