Robert A. Heinlein - The Cat Who Walked Through Walls
Atec Февраль 29 2008 20:18:18
Книга только для ознакомления
... not older, exactly,
but more mature. She was unsmiling.
I looked at her again and felt that I had it figured out: She had to be the
older sister of Laz and Lor-and Dr. Hubert was father (brother?) of all of
them... which explained how Dr. Hubert was this "Lazarus" that I had heard of
again and again but had not seen-except that I had, once, in Iowa.
The third was a little china doll-porcelain china, not Xia-type China-not
much over a hundred and fifty centimeters of her and perhaps forty kilos, with
the ageless beauty of Queen Nefertiti. My darling paused for breath and this
little elf whistled loudly and clapped. "Great going. Hazel! I'm in your
Hubert-Lazarus said, "Hilda, don't encourage her."
"And why not? You've been caught with your hand in the cookie jar, or Hazel
would not be so boiling; that's certain. I know her, I know you-want to bet?"
"I did nothing. I simply tried to implement a previously settled policy
that Hazel needed help on."
The tiny woman covered her eyes and said, "Dear Lord, forgive him; he's at
it again." The redhead said gently, "Wood-row, just what did you do?"
"I didn't do anything."
"Woodrow." "I tell you, I did nothing to justify her diatribe. I was having
a civilized discussion with Colonel Campbell when-" He broke off.
"Well, Woodrow?"
"We disagreed."
The computer spoke up