Robert A. Heinlein - The Cat Who Walked Through Walls
Atec Февраль 29 2008 20:18:18
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... or is it an assumption based on incomplete evidence and
empirical success?"
Deety said, "Jay Ell, what are you getting at, dear?" I was bracketed by
these two; they talked across me, obviously did not expect opinions from
me-although I had been a witness.
"We are trying to establish the optimum tick for evacuating THQ, are we
"Are we? Why not pre-enact evacuation, time it, then start the evacuation
at minus H-hours plus thirty minutes? That gets everyone back here with gobs of
time to spare."
"Deety, you thereby set up a paradox that leaves you with your head jammed
up your arse," Burroughs commented. "Pop! That's rude, crude, and vulgar." "But
correct, my darling stupid daughter. Now think your way out of the trap."
"Easy. I was speaking just of the danger end, not the safe end. We finish
the rescue with thirty minutes to spare, then move to any empty space in any
convenient universe-say that orbit around Mars we have used so often-then turn
around and reenter this universe at a here-now tick one minute after we leave
for the rescue."
"Clumsy but effective."
"I like simple programming, I do."
"So do I. But doesn't anyone see anything wrong with taking whatever length
of time we need?"
"Hell, yes!"
"Well, Archie?"
"Because it's booby-trapped, probability point nine nine seven plus. How it
is booby-trapped, depends