Robert A. Heinlein - The Cat Who Walked Through Walls
Atec Февраль 29 2008 20:18:18
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L. LONG 1912-
We rode back to the house, Hazel up front with Uncle Jock, Pixel and me
back with the packages. As a favor to Pixel, the replica Model T moved as
silently as a ghost. (Do ghosts really move silently? How do such cliches get
started?) The gate opened to Uncle Jock's voice and no lethal defenses were
actuated. If there were any. Knowing Uncle Jock I suspect that there were-but
not the ones posted.
We were met on the front veranda by Aunt Til and Aunt Cissy. While Uncle
Jock went inside, my aunts welcomed my bride into the family with all the warmth
of country manners. Then I passed the kitten to Hazel and I was greeted by them
much as Hazel had greeted Uncle but with no time loop to confuse us. Golly, it
was good to be home! Despite my some-rimes stormy adolescence the happiest
memories of my life were associated with this old house.
Aunt Cissy looked older today, in 2177, than I recalled her looking the
last time I had seen her-2183, was it? Was this a clue as to why Aunt Til had
always looked the same age? An occasional trip to Boondock could work wonders.
Were all three-no, all four, including Aunt Belden-serving fifty-year
enlistments with the Fountain of Youth as one of the perks?
Was Uncle Jock metabolically about thirty while maintaining the face and
neck and hands of an old man in order to support a charade? (None of your
business, Richard!)
"Where's Aunt Belden?"
"She's gone to Des Moines for the day," Aunt Til answered