Hilda, you will give order to scram anytime after Davis and the stuff he came
for is aboard, depending on tactical situation. If there is trouble, don't wait
for anyone. Use your judgment, but your judgment must tell you to save Mannie
and his items no matter who gets left behind.
How long have I been doping off? My Sonychron was an early casualty. The
team Hazel picked was- No, I said that. I think I did.
What happened to Tree-San?
The time tick selected was right after Hazel left the computer room on
Saturday July fifth. The group picking the tick reasoned that if they were
laying for us to arrive at the Raffles, then that antagonist (Time Lords?) would
not be looking for us in the computer room. No way to do it earlier than that;
Hazel had reported that "Adam Selene" was in the computer room when she was
We cut it mighty sharp, almost too sharp; when Hazel was getting out of
Gay, she stopped suddenly with me right behind her-waited briefly, then moved
She paused because she saw her own back, leaving the room.
I must get word to Aunt Til that Hazel and I can't make it home for supper.
My head aches and my eyes bother me.
I don't know how Pixel got aboard Gay. How that baby does get around!
Jubal Harshaw says, "The only constant thing in these shifting, fairy-chess
worlds is human love