Dragonlance -- Dan Parkinson - The Gates Of Thorbardin
Atec Март 01 2008 15:03:31
Книга только для ознакомления
. He had
been belabored by gossip - most of it meaningless to
him - about the feud between the Tinturner and Iron-
strike families, which had kept the fifth level downshaft
neighborhood of Daewar in an uproar for months; about
how Silicia Orebrand's sister was not on speaking terms
with any of the Silverfest Society members; about the
uncouth mannerisms of Daergar dwarves who seemed to
think they owned the Fourteenth Road; and about the
scandal that had risen when Furth Undermine accused
the East Warren overseers of bribing the executor of the
Council of Thanes.
"Far stars, Button," Wingover finally erupted, "doesn't
anybody get along with anybody in Thorbardin? To hear
you talk, I'd think the intrigues and hostilities outnum-
ber the population by five to one."
She blinked in surprise. "Oh, it isn't like that at all,"
she said. "Thorbardin is the nicest place imaginable. Re-
ally. I've just been telling you the juicy stuff because
that's what most people prefer to hear. But then, most
people - at least most people I know - are dwarves.
What do humans like to hear?"
"Silence, occasionally," he snapped.
For long minutes, he had his wish. Jilian sat facing
away from him, her sturdy little back arrow-straight.
She had tried to entertain him