Dragonlance -- Dan Parkinson - The Gates Of Thorbardin
Atec Март 01 2008 15:03:31
Книга только для ознакомления
. I hurt."
"You hurt?" He glanced around at her. "Where?"
"That's none of your business," the dwarven girl
snapped, her cheeks turning pink.
"Oh, I see," he grinned. "Saddle sores, huh? It won't
last long. I'll bet this is the first horse you ever rode."
"I never even saw a horse until I left Thorbardin," she
admitted. "I don't mean the people there don't have
horses, of course. A lot do, but they don't bring them
into Thorbardin. They keep them outside, in the pas-
tures beyond Southgate."
"I know that," he said a little testily. He took up
Geekay's reins and led off, heading north. Jilian followed,
grateful to have her feet on solid ground again instead of
bouncing along on her bottom, behind Wingover in his
hard saddle. Riding a horse was just one of thousands of
interesting new experiences she would have to tell Silicia
about when she returned to Thorbardin.
They had gone nearly two miles and had come into
open, rolling land when Wingover glanced westward,
shaded his eyes, and then pointed. Above distant tree-
tops, wide wings tilted in a descending turn. Bobbin was
Jilian squinted, shading her eyes as Wingover had
done. "I think he has someone with him," she said.
The flying thing closed until it was directly overhead,
sixty feet above