Dragonlance -- Dan Parkinson - The Gates Of Thorbardin
Atec Март 01 2008 15:03:31
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Leading the horse, he started for the trade pavilion of
the Daewar merchant, then stopped when a high-
pitched, excited voice shouted, "Hey! Look who's here!"
Chestal Thicketsway pushed through a crowd of trad-
ers and ran toward him. "Wingover! I thought you were
dead or something!" He skidded to a stop, beaming up at
the man. "And Geekay made it, too. Wow! Did you hear
about Chane Feldstone? He's rich and famous, just like I
said he'd be. The Thorbardin traders talk about him all
the time. Rogar Goldbuckle has been strutting around
here ever since he arrived, telling everybody how he's a
personal friend of Chane Feldstone. He has the trading
sanction for the Hylar now, too. Gee, everybody
thought you were dead, though. How did you survive
that storm?"
"I -" Wingover started.
"Did you ever see such a storm in all your life? Wow!
What a wind! I saw a boulder as big as a house, just roll-
ing along with the wind pushing it. I never saw anything
like that storm. Most people don't believe me when I talk
about it, but that's all right. What did you do, find a hid-
ing place? After we got separated, I mean? That's what I
did. I just crawled into a hole and stayed there until Zap
got it out of his system."
"I -" Wingover attempted