Dragonlance -- Dan Parkinson - The Gates Of Thorbardin
Atec Март 01 2008 15:03:31
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Four more revolutions and the sword eviscerated an herb
pot, beheaded a chair, bisected a hanging tapestry, and
embedded itself firmly in a doorframe. Jilian blinked in
amazement, while momentary dizziness subsided, then
wrenched the weapon free and stared at it. "Goodness!"
she said.
Silicia peeked from behind a stone bench. "Are you
finished, do you think?"
"I think so." Jilian looked around. "Oh, rust! Look at
the mess I've made."
Silicia came from hiding to gaze in wonder at the
sword in Jilian's hand. "I don't think you need any more
practice. I believe you've mastered the skill, don't you?"
"I suppose so, but look what we've done to your nice
room! Oh, Silicia, I am sorry."
Silicia walked around the room, pursing her lips as she
surveyed the damage. "It's not so bad, really. I never
liked that candlestand, you know. And that awful tapes-
try! Honestly, I have thought about making a pair of
framed needleworks out of it..." She came to look at
the sword again. "By the lusters, I never realized how
much fun a person might have with one of these. I won-
der if some of the ladies might like to jrganize a class."
Jilian nodded. "I believe I will borrow this, if you're
sure Stonecut won't mind."
"Not in the slightest. It's as much mine as his, anyway.
Now, you take it, and the dagger, too, and you have a
nice time with them