Dragonlance -- Margaret Weis And Tracy Hickman (Eds.) - Tales I, Vol. I - The Magic Of Krynn
Atec Март 01 2008 15:05:33
Книга только для ознакомления
. Assuming his usual,
disturbingly serene expression, Elistan gathered his furs closer and
joined Laurana.
Thankfully, the cave did lead to a tunnel, though where the
tunnel led to was anyone's guess.
We would soon find out.
"You know, I get the feeling we're overlooking something,"
Tasslehoff muttered, dashing between us to press his face to the
cold, glassy walls. "I get this creepy feeling we're being watched."
"You are," Sturm said, fondly tugging the kender's topknot, "by
Tasslehoff frowned. "Make fun if you like, Sturm, but my
Uncle Trapspringer says-"
Sturm clapped his hands to his ears and snorted. "Not an Uncle
Trapspringer story!"
Derek's head jerked around. "Hush!" he snarled. Suddenly his
face contorted in surprise. "Whoa!" The tunnel had ended abruptly
in a deep, dark chasm! One foot over the edge, Derek swung his
arms wildly to keep from sliding over entirely.
Instinctively, Laurana reached for his out-flung arm, and Sturm
grabbed her. Together they pulled the struggling knight back from
the edge. Wheezing and panting, he collapsed momentarily in a
heap. Then, remembering himself, he struggled to his feet, brush-
ing off the helping hands.
"Great! Now where do we go?" he demanded.
Laurana frowned. "I don't see any reason-or way-to cross
the chasm. There's nothing but an icy wall on the other side. I
guess we'll have to retrace our steps and continue up the cliff face
after all," she finished wearily