Dragonlance Preludes 2 Vol 2 - Flint The King
Atec Март 01 2008 15:09:29
Книга только для ознакомления
. His eyes narrowed as he gazed into the deep, dark
chasm. Was it possible that both victims had actually sur-
vived their plummet into this dank hole? He tended to be-
lieve the tale of the dead Aghar. The new king and queen of
the gully dwarves had to be the harrn and frawl that Pitrick
had presumed dead.
If so, their new lease on life is about to expire, he thought
with some measure of humor.
Pitrick studied the pit from above. Obviously there must
be a connection or passage of some sort that allowed them
to escape to "Mudhole." Pitrick grinned at the name. Per-
haps Perian would show him gratitude for being rescued
from such a place! As for the hill dwarf, any number of
spells would see to his permanent disposal.
But first, Pitrick needed to find the passage that had led
them to temporary safety, and that meant exploring the
Beast Pit. His teleportation ring, while perfectly suited for
moving about Thorbardin and even carrying him to distant
places such as Sanction, was of no use here. It could only
take him to places that he had already seen. If he tried to
teleport into Mudhole without knowing its exact location,
he could materialize in the midst of the mountain some-
where, or worse