"So where do we get another one-hundred-fifty weap-
ons?" shouted someone in the crowd.
"That is the significant question," admitted Broadblade.
"The plows and such in these wagons will provide the raw
material for a few more, but not nearly enough."
"We can't fight without enough weapons," shouted some-
one else.
Basalt crowded his way up to the barrel. "Listen, I've got
an idea," he yelled as he climbed to the top of the barrel with
The militia master quieted the crowd. "Everyone, this is
the young fellow who tipped us off to the whole thing.
What's your idea, Fireforge?"
"Two wagons left for New Sea last night. We know that
the trip takes two days; they travel all night and then lay up
somewhere during the daylight," Basalt explained. "If we
start right now, with a fast wagon, we should be able to
catch them before dark."
"Use my brewery wagon," offered Hildy. "It's smaller and
faster than their big carts, and it's empty right now, waiting
for another load."
Broadblade boomed out over the crowd, "We need volun-
teers to go with Basalt and Hildy to overtake the two wag-