. He had not yet used it, but he looked forward with
cruel anticipation to the chance to drive it into a hill dwarf
body. Perhaps even Flint Fireforge would find himself tast-
ing the bitter steel of that Theiwar blade.
They came to the brewery, and Pitrick quickly took in the
formidable nature of the position. The gate was the obvious
vulnerable point, but he would also send his forces against
the walls, using makeshift ladders, poles, and whatever else
they could find. He had no doubt that they would quickly
break into the last-ditch fortress.
His subcommanders gathered around, waiting for his or-
ders. "We will take them here. Attack from all sides.
"And as for the gate," Pitrick said to his sergeant. "Make a
battering ram."
* * * * *
The derro hurled themselves at the stone-walled brewery,
assaulting it from every side. They scrambled up the steep
wall, they bashed against the gate, and they pressed hard to
break through the barricaded windows along the back wall.
Everywhere the defenders stood firm.
Some of the Theiwar laid long poles against the top of the
wall, and slowly inched up these crude ramps in an attempt
to force their way over the barrier