Dragonlance -- Mary Kirchoff - Kendermore
Atec Март 01 2008 15:16:58
Книга только для ознакомления
Even Woodrow had begun to relax as they passed an
alley, munching on the last chunks of smoked fish. Sud-
denly, two powerful arms shot out and grabbed the star-
tled kender and human. One hand wrapped around Tas's
neck, the other grasped Woodrow's shirt. The human
was flung against the wall at the back of the alley. Tassle-
hoff felt himself being hoisted face-down across the pom-
mel of a saddle. The pommel gouged painfully into his
ribs. Then someone else leaped into the saddle beside
him. Woodrow scrambled to his feet, only to be met by
the ringing sound of a sword being drawn.
"This doesn't concern you, farmboy!" growled the as-
sailant. "Stay out of it." With that, the dark-cloaked as-
sailant swung the flat of the sword viciously down on top
of Woodrow's head, and the human crumpled. A power-
ful hand on Tasslehoff's back pressed him tightly to the
saddle as the mount and rider turned and dashed from
the alley.
Chapter 21
Denzil threw Tasslehoff on the hay-stewn
dirt floor of a warehouse near the docks. Dusty light
streamed through knotholes in the walls' wide boards.
The room contained only large wooden barrels held
together with rusty bands, and stank overpoweringly
of herring.
With his hands tied together at the wrists, the ken-
der had to struggle to get into a sitting position. He
gave the sinister-looking human a murderous glance.
"You're going to pay for what you did to poor Gisella,
and now Woodrow!"
"Give me your maps."
Tas met his challenging gaze