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. Hot
substances again are solidified by cold, and, when they consist
chiefly of earth, the process of solidification is rapid, and the
resulting substance is insoluble; but, when their main constituent
is water, the solid matter is again soluble. What kinds of substances,
however, admit of being solidified, and what are the causes of
solidification, are questions that have already been dealt with more
precisely in another treatise.
In conclusion, then, seeing that the terms hot and hotter are used
in many different senses, and that no one substance can be hotter than
others in all these senses, we must, when we attribute this
character to an object, add such further statements as that this
substance is hotter per se, though that other is often hotter per
accidens; or again, that this substance is potentially hot, that other
actually so; or again, that this substance is hotter in the sense of
causing a greater feeling of heat when touched, while that other is
hotter in the sense of producing flame and burning. The term hot being
used in all these various senses, it plainly follows that the term
cold will also be used with like ambiguity.
So much then as to the signification of the terms hot and cold,
hotter and colder.
In natural sequence we have next to treat of solid and fluid.
These terms are used in various senses. Sometimes, for instance,
they denote things that are potentially, at other times things that
are actually, solid or fluid