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. No one's quite sure how it works and the exterminators won't tell. They hold patents on the entire system and they have an open-ended exclusive contract to take care of it.
"Here's what we do know. The exterminators place robots that release the chemicals in minute doses all over the station to control the fleas on a continuous basis. If' the 'bots run across flea-breeding grounds, they actively seek out the fleas and their larvae and eradicate them using a chemical spray and microlasers. Every month the Olicien personnel bring the 'bots in to a central checkpoint for maintenance and chemical replenishment."
"Nice profitable operation they've got going," Tycho observed through his translator. "Paid for by our tax credits. I'll bet they stick the Navy for a fortune!"
"Quit worrying about your tax return. At any rate, this is one time the Navy's not going to get their money's worth. As I said, the exterminators visit once every SMT month. Every month they fly their own craft, which leaves from their own home world. They make the jump, arrive on the space station. The crew goes in--just like they've been going in once a month for twenty years."
"Same old same old," Harry said softly. 'Tll bet no one even bothers to check their IDs."
"Yeah, but is it the same crew all the time?" Jamil wondered. "If so, we've got problems."
Xris shook his head. "No, they've got other contracts to handle