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. I don't suppose the Navy'd be thrilled about having to pay for replacements."
"Right, right. I see your point. The private"--Drake indicated the young Marine--"will take your man to security. I'll let them know he's coming. You'll find the bug-'bot station over there, by Air Exchanger Three next to the bulkhead. Let me know if you have any problems."
The commander returned to his office. Harry, looking nervous, grabbed a tool box and left with the Marine.
Xris motioned for the rest of the team to follow him, headed for the service area--a computer station located near a major air exchange unit. Three large air conduits, over a meter in diameter, entered the exchanger. From there, the conduits branched out, stopped at various access ports throughout the station.
"You're in charge, Quong," Xris told him.
The Doc moved over to the computer, began tapping on the keyboard. After studying it a moment, he turned to the others.
"According to Xris's information, there are twenty-eight exterminator robots roaming around the facility, inside the air ducts. We bring them down through that conduit there to check their programming, update it if necessary, and replenish their chemical supply. Jamil, you and Tycho remove the air duct access ports. I've called 'bots one, two, and three down for servicing."
A large metal conduit, attached to the air ducts, canted downward at a gentle slope, ending at deck level