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. Don't worry. No one was around. That section's been abandoned for years. Unused living space. The hull's been breached--according to the computer by an enemy Corasian torpedo."
"Let me guess: There are no Corasians within a zillion light-years of this place."
"I shouldn't think so," Rowan returned calmly. "But according to the computer, there's an entire enemy fleet out there, complete with mother ships."
"But the scanners--"
"Shut down."
"Hell, all anyone has to do is look outside the danan window. They'll know we're not under enemy attack."
"True," said Rowan. "But it's going to take them at least two hours to convince the computer othewise. In the meantime, all the blast doors have been shut, which means most people are trapped in their own areas. The Marines are under orders to report to their combat stations--if they can get to them."
"But they'll be able to manually override the controls."
"Not anymore." Rowan had reached the door. She looked at Xris. "There'll be guards outside waiting for us."
Xris waved the lasgun. "You're my hostage, remember? Just a minute. If the blast doors are shut, how do we get out?"
"We have manual security override," Rowan answered. She had her hand on the controls, but she didn't open them. "You wouldn't have asked me such questions in the old days, Xris."
"Ito hadn't been blown into a fine red mist in the old days