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. "I don't mind telling you, Tusk, that I hated like hell issuing that order. My old friend, Admiral Souchmak Krylyn, has several ships involved in a delicate operation on the Corasian frontier. I've risked countless lives by doing this."
He stopped in front of Tusk, gazed at him steadily. "And now I want you to do something you're going to hate."
"I think I know, sir. The final command." Tusk, uncomfortable, waved his hand in the direction of the corridor. "Look, sir, I'm sorry about what I said back there-about being relieved that Xris had escaped. I guess I didn't realize how serious this was."
"Understood." Dixter's grim face relaxed momentarily in a smile, which almost immediately disappeared. "You will draft an executive order to go out galaxy-wide. To all law enforcement agencies and to all commands: The cyborg Xris, every member of his team--we should have photo I.D.s of them by now--and Major Darlene Mohini are wanted criminals, to be arrested on sight or their deaths confirmed if capture is not possible. Is that clear, Commander?"
"Yes, my lord," Tusk answered.
"After that"--Dixter sighed--"shut us down."
Like pilgrims to th' appointed place we tend; The world's an inn, and death the journey's end.
John Dryden, Palamon and Arcire, Book 3
"The 'tick' is deactivated," Rowan reported.
Leaning back in the chair, she lifted her arms above her head, stretched, then put her hands behind her head, stretched again