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. Minor repairs could be effected while the ship was attached to the arm.
Xris counted twenty vessels of various types docked at the facility--a light load, considering that each NOROF could accommodate well over one hundred at a time. As he watched, the docking clamps on all of the arms retracted and the arms began to pull back telescopically into the station. NOROF was serious.
"Shit!" Xris swore. All he could see were frigates, and they wouldn't be of any use whatsoever. He looked at the chronometer. Twenty-four hours. It had taken them half an SMT day to find this place, another half day to reach it. This time tomorrow, unless they stopped the assassins, the young king might be dead.
"I thought you told me there were two drop ships docked here," he said over his shoulder to Rowan.
"There are, according to the parts requisitions I found," she maintained. "They specifically listed two drop ships, located at this site. One is an LST-208 and the other--"
"Got it!" Harry announced triumphantly. "Sensors are. picking up two drop ships, both on the other side of the facility. One's an LST-208 and file other is a 209."
"Let's take a look."
Harry was dubious. "Are you sure, Xris? They might suspect what we're after."
"Hijacking a drop ship? Not likely. They'll figure we're hanging around sulking, trying to make them feel guilty. Take it slow. Don't make it look obvious