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. The three had worked together for years now and were one of the top teams in the agency. They were a]so close friends. Or rather, they used to be.
The two agents entered the first checkpoint--a small access building with two doors. One door provided entrance through the electrified fence, the other door granted access to the facility. Security guards checked ID badges and issued visitor passes to those who were cleared for them.
The senior guard looked up from his newsvid reader and nodded.
"Going to cause any trouble today, Xris? I just need to know, so's I can plan my lunch break around you."
Xris shook his head. "Hell, that was an accident, Henry. I didn't mean to set off the alarms. I forgot I had the damn knife on me."
"Huh-uh." Henry grinned. He'd been an agent once, until he could no longer pass the physical. But that had been at age eighty. He still had a grip like a nullgrav steel vise---as Xris had good reason to know.
"You're in charge of him today, Ito. I'm getting too old for this sort of thing."
"You'll outlive us all, Henry." Ito laughed.
Xris was to remember that remark.
He and Ito entered the main administration headquarters building, encountered another security guard.
Ito pulled his lasgun out of his shoulder holster and placed it on the counter. "Morning, boys." Folding his arms, sighing, he settled back to wait