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. They'd just wash out the module's insides with a fire hose.
The shaking stopped. All was suddenly very silent, except for the hissing of the hydraulics attempting to level the tilting floor.
Xris gave himself a moment to recover from the shock, took time to make a few minor adjustments to his system-red lights were going off up and down the length of his arm. Then, unstrapping himself, he pushed himself out of his seat, was amazed at the effort it took. "Everyone okay?" he asked.
He had heard of people scared speechless, but this was the first time in his life he'd ever encountered that phenomenon. No one said a word, not even a bad one. Most sat in various frozen poses, white-knuckled hands clutching the arms of the chairs, sweat beaded on their faces, eyes wide and staring. Two, however, appeared to have enjoyed the ride.
Jamil swiveled around to face them. "We've landed," he announced. His handsome face was grinning; he rubbed his hands. "God! I miss my days in the Army sometimes. I'd forgotten what a rush that was!"
Apparently Raoul agreed with him. The Loti was lying back limp in his chair. He looked up at Xris with lustrous eyes.
"Wow!" Raoul whispered dreamily.
But Xris had to help Tycho stand. The alien was in a deplorable state, shaking so badly he could barely get up out of his chair.
"Not healthy for a sharpshooter," Xris said