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. "No, but you'll figure something outl You always do."
"I do, don't I?" Raoul remarked calmly.
Clasping hold of the Little One's hand, the Adonian stepped over Harry, fell over Quong, and headed for the open hatch. A trickle of muddy water ran through the culvert. Raoul gazed at it, looked back at Xxis reproachfully.
Xris shrugged. "It's only water. You won't melt."
Sighing, Raoul took off his shoes, gathered his cape around him, and jumped. The Little One flung himself out afterward. They were almost immediately lost in the smoke from the PVC's exhaust.
At least they'll be out of view of the hovercraft circling overhead, Xris reflected. He ducked back inside the PVC.
"Let's go!" Xris shouted to Jamil, and the lumbering vehicle lurched forward, began rolling up the side of the culvert. "Full throttle! Don't stop for anything now!"
Coughing, choking, hanging on to his shoes with one hand, the Little One with the other, and trying to keep his golden cape from dragging in the mud, Raoul trudged up the side of the culvert. His spirits were as low as it was possible for the spirits of an Adonian Loti to get, which put them somewhere in the vicinity of the golden sash that encircled his slim waist.
Reaching a concrete wall--put there to keep children and other members of the populace from tumbling into the drainage ditch--Raoul paused to watch the Devastator slam right through that same wall, go crunching over the wreckage