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. Dixter had heard the Adonian's shrill cry--as had everyone in the immediate vicinity. And he had heard the name Xris.
"I forgot--we are wanted men? Raoul also forgot to lower his voice, causing several people near him to stare at him in horror and begin pointing at him.
Dixter was saying something to two of the Royal Guard, who started toward Raoul, shoving their way through the crowd, politely but firmly elbowing people out of their way.
"You're right? Raoul gasped. "They undoubtedly think we're the assassins! In which case," he added gravely, "I deem it unlikely that they will honor our request to speak to the king."
The Little One pulled Raoul to one side, tugging him underneath the maze of scaffolding on which the dignitaries' platform had been built. People surged around them. Raoul tried his best to blend in with the crowd not an easy feat, considering that he outshone the sun.
He heard his name, recognized Dixter's voice. "Don't leave! You're not in any danger!"
Raoul paused, half turned, and saw the Royal Guard drawing their lasguns.
A drawn lasgun in Raou!'s mind--constituted danger. He ducked under a piece of royal purple bunting.
The guns caught the dignitaries' attention, as well. They swirled away from the guard like leaves in a storm. The news media, catching sight of the action, immediately dashed after the Royal Guard. Even James M