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. It reads, 'The experiment has been highly successful.' Nothing more. Bosk makes some attempt to fill in the experiment's results, but he was not in Ohme's complete confidence. Careful analysis proves that Bosk 'knew very little; most of what he added was mere speculation gained from observing the test subject, who lived and worked in Ohme's mansion."
Silence from the commlink. Then, "There is nothing more?"
"No, Knight Commander."
"Are you certain, Knight Officer?"
"Yes, sir."
"Damn!" said the Commander. "We need more information!"
Silence. The Knight Officer, having nothing further to contribute, maintained disciplined quiet. He made no suggestion as to their next course of action, would make none unless he was asked. Looking out the viewscreen, he watched the planet Laskar dwindle to a small green marble.
A wretched planet, corrupt, vile, he thought. But really no different from countless others in the galaxy. Humanity trashes its home, flees it, seeks out others, and ends up destroying them. It is only a matter of time before it will all end out here. Then the swarm of humanity will turn their faces homeward again. Then they will come to us and say humbly, "We are sorry." ...
"It would be extremely valuable to us"--the Commander spoke suddenly and abruptly, startling the Knight Officer--"if we could get our hands on the test subject."
"Yes, Commander