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So when that trucker dropped us, we were tired and hungry and dirty and my paranoia had reached a new high.
We had been walking a few hundred yards when we came to a sweet little stream, a, sight in Texas precious beyond all else.
We stopped on the culvert bridging it. 'Margrethe, how would you like to wade in that?'
'Darling, I'm going to do more than wade in it, I'm going to bathe in it.'
'Hmm - Yes, go under the fence, along the stream about fifty, seventy-five yards, and I don't think anyone could see us from the road.'
'Sweetheart, they can line up and cheer if they want to; I'm going to have a bath. And - That water looks clean. Would it be safe to drink?'
'The upstream side? Certainly. We've taken worse chances every day since the iceberg. Now if we had something to eat - Say, your hot fudge sundae. Or would you prefer scrambled eggs?' I held up the lower wire of the fence to let her crawl under. I
'Will you settle for an Oh Henry bar?'
'Make that a Milky Way,' I answered, 'if I have my druthers.'
'I'm afraid you don't, dear. An Oh Henry bar is all there is.' She held the wire for me.
'Maybe we'd better stop talking about food we don't have,' I said, and crawled under - straightened up and added, 'I'm ready to eat raw skunk.'
'Food we do have, dear man. I have an Oh Henry in my tote.'
I stopped abruptly. 'Woman, if you're joking, I'm going to beat you.'
'I'm not joking