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Yes, yes, I know: Exodus twenty-two verse eighteen, 'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.' As solemn an injunction as the Ten Commandments, given to Moses directly by God, in the presence of all the children of Israel
What was I doing breaking bread with witches?
Mark me for a coward. I did not stand up and denounce them. I sat tight.
Katie said, 'Darling, darling! That was clear back in the middle ages! Not today, not now, not here.'
Culverson said, 'Mrs Farnsworth, every witch knows that the terror can start up again any time. Even a season of bad crops could touch it off. And Salem wasn't very long ago. Nor very far away.' He added, 'There are still Christians around. They would set the fires if they could. Just like Salem.'
This was a great chance to keep my mouth shut. I blurted out, 'No witch was burned at Salem.'
He looked at me. 'What do you know about it?'
'The burnings were in Europe, not here. In Salem witches were hanged, except one who was pressed to death.' (Fire should never have been used. The Lord God ordered us not to suffer them to live; He did not tell us to put them to death by torture.)
He eyed me again. 'So? You seem to approve of the hangings.'
'I never said anything of the sort!' (Dear God, forgive me!)
Jerry cut in. 'I rule this subject out of order! There will be no further discussion of it at the table. Sybil, we don't want you to attend if it upsets you or reminds you of tragic occasions