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But first an angel positioned himself in the air about fifty yards off our left flank. His voice carried well. 'Now hear this! You will pass in review in this formation. Hold' your position at all times. Guide on the creature on your left, the creature under you, and the one ahead. of you. Leave ten cubits between ranks and between layers, five cubits, elbow to elbow in ranks. No crowding, no breaking out of ranks, no, slowing down as we pass the Throne. Anybody breaking flight discipline will be sent to the tail end of the flight... and I'm warning you now, the Son might be gone by then, with nobody but Peter or Paul or
some other saint to receive the parade. Any questions?'
"How much is a cubit?'
'Two cubits is one yard. Any creature in this cohort who does not know how long a yard is?'
No, one spoke up. The angel added, 'Any more questions?'
A woman to my left and above me called out, 'Yes! My. daughter didn't have her cough medicine with her. So I fetched it. Can you take it to her?'
'Creature, please accept my assurance that any cough your daughter manages to take with her to Heaven will be purely psychosomatic.'
'But her doctor said -ґ
'And in the meantime shut up and let's get on with this parade. Special requests can be filed after arriving in Heaven.'
There were more questions, mostly silly, confirming an opinion I had kept to myself for years: Piety does not imply horse sense