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. You can discuss it with Steve; he'll be in soon. By the way, I'm his concubine now his wife, except that here there is no marrying or giving in marriage. Anyhow Steve went back into the Corps when war broke out and got up to captain before they killed him. His outfit landed at Haifa and Steve died battling for the Lord at the height of Armageddon. I'm real proud of him.'
'You should be. Luke, did the War get you, too?'
Luke gave a big grin. 'No, sir, Saint Alec. They hanged me.'
'You're joking!'
`No joke. They hanged me fair and square. You remember when you quit me?'
'I didn't quit you. A miracle intervened. That's how I met Hazel. And Steve.'
'Well... you know more about miracles than I do. Anyway, we had to get another dishwasher right fast, and we had to take a Chicano. Man, he was a real bad ass, that one. Pulled a knife on me. That was his mistake. Pull a knife on a cook in his own kitchen? He cut me up some, I cut him up proper. Jury mostly his cousins, I think. Anyhow the D.A. said it was time for an example. But it was all right. I had been baptized long before that; the prison chaplain helped me be born again. I spoke a sermon standing on that trap with the noose around my neck. Then I said, "You can do it now! Send me to Jesus! Hallelujah!" And they did. Happiest day of my lifel'
Albert stuck his head in. 'Saint Alec, there's an angel here looking for you.'
The angel was waiting just outside for the reason that he was taller than the doorway and not inclined to stoop