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. His silhouette shrank rapidly against a dim light at the far end of the tunnel.
Then I almost stepped on His heels. He had not been receding as fast as I had thought; He had been changing in size. Or I had been. He and I were now much the same height. I skidded to a halt close behind Him as He reached doorway at the end of the tunnel. It was barely lighted by a red glow.
Satan touched something at the door; a white fan light came on above the door. He opened it and turned toward me. 'Come in, Alec.'
My heart skipped and I gasped for breath. Jerry! Jerry Farnsworth!'
Chapter 27
For in much wisdom is much grief; and he that
increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
Ecclesiastes 1:18
And Job spake, and said, Let the day
perish wherein I was born, and the night
in which it was said, There is a man
child conceived.
Job 3:2-3
MY EYES dimmed, my head started to spin, my knees went rubbery. Jerry said sharply, 'Hey, none of that!' - grabbed me around the waist, dragged me inside, slammed the door.
He kept me from falling, then shook me and slapped my face. I shook my head and caught my breath. I heard Katie's voice: 'Let's get him in where he can lie down.'
My eyes focused. 'I'm okay. I was just taken all over queer for a second.' I looked around. We were in the foyer of the Farnsworth house.
'You went into syncope, that's What you did. Not surprising, you had a shock. Come into the family room