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. Major, I'll have to find someone who can. You thought up this
idea of the hundred-kilometer border. Now justify your boasts."
Mao should not have done it to Bozell in the presence of others-especially
not in my presence. This I know from professional experience-in each role.
I think Gwen gave Auntie some signal. As may be. Aunt Lilybet told Mao she
had to leave. "My little nurse is going to scold me for staying too long. I
don't want her to have to scold me too hard. Mei-Ling Ouspenskaya-do you know
her, Jefferson? She knows your momma."
The same two police officers wheeled Auntie all the way back through that
series of offices and out to the public corridor-square, rather, as the city
offices face on Revolutionary Square. She said good-bye to us there and the
police officers wheeled her away to Wyoming Knott Memorial Hospital, two levels
down and north of there. I don't think they expected to do it-I do know Gwen
conscripted these two right there in the Moderator's offices-but Auntie assumed
that they would take her back to hospital, and they did. "No, Gwen honey, no
need for you to come along-these kind gentlemen know where it is."
(A lady has doors held for her because she expects doors to be held for
her. Both Gwen and Aunt Lilybet had this principle down pat.)
Facing the municipal offices was a large bunting-bedecked sign:
FREE LUNA! July 4th, 2076-2188
Was it really Independence Day already? I counted up in my mind