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. Then check hotels, lockers, deposit box
services, poste restante, etc.
Q. 5-postpone
Q. 6-postpone
Q. 7-Reach by phone as many of the "Walker Evans" oath group as possible.
Keep going till one spills. Note: Some jelly brain may have talked too much
without knowing it.
Q. 8-Morris, or the maitre d', or the busman, or all of them, or any two,
knows who killed Schultz. One or more of them expected it. So we look for each
one's weak point- liquor, drugs, money, sex (comme ci ou comme ga)-and what was
your name back dirtside, chum? Any paper out on you somewhere? Find that soft
spot. Push it. Do this with all three of them, then see how their stories check.
Every closet has a skeleton. This is a natural law-so find it in each case.
Q. 9-Money (Conclusive assumption until proved false.)
(Query: How much is all this going to cost me? Can I afford it? Counter
query: Can I afford not to pursue it?)
"I've been wondering about that," said Gwen. "When I poked my nose in, I
thought you were in real trouble. But apparently you are home free. Why must you
do anything, my husband?"
-I need to kill him."
"What? But you don't know which Tolliver is meant! Or why he should be
dead. If he should be."
"No, no, not Tolliver. Although it may develop that Tolliver should be
dead. No, dear, the man who killed Schultz. I must find him and kill him