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. I'll tell briefly how
Hazel said it looked to her. There is no possible way to reconcile the two.
She says that she did not use her handbag as a weapon. ("Why, that would be
silly, dear. Too slow and not lethal. You took out two of them at once and that
gave me time to get at my little Miyako. After I had used my scarf, I mean.")
According to her, I shot four of them, while she worked around the edges,
cooling those I missed. Until they brought me down with that slice into my thigh
(knife? She tells me they picked bits of bamboo out of the wound) and they hit
me with an aerosol-and that gave her the instant she needed to finish off the
man who sprayed me.
("I stepped on his face and grabbed you and dragged you out of there. No, I
didn't expect to see Gretchen. But I knew I could count on her.")
Her version does explain a little better how we won... except that by my
recollection it is dead wrong. There is no point in picking at it; it can't be
straightened out.
"How did Gretchen get there? That Xia and Choy-Mu were waiting isn't
mysterious, in view of the messages we left for them. And Hendrik Schultz, too,
if he grabbed a shuttle as soon as he heard from me. But Gretchen? You talked to
her just before lunch. She was home, at Dry Bones."
"At Dry Bones, with the nearest tubeway being far south at Hong Kong Luna.
So how did she get to L-City so fast? Not by rolligon