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. He looks at me
and says, 'The time approaches. Thorbardin is at risk.
Chane Feldstone, you must become who you are and
who you are meant to be. It is your destiny.' " Chane
growled and scuffed a fur-clad foot against the stone.
"Old Firestoke laughed when I told him about it."
"Is he the one who chased you out of Thorbardin?"
"Nobody chased me out of Thorbardin!" Chane rum-
bled. "I went because I wanted to go. But his villains beat
me up and robbed me and told me never to come back."
"Why do you suppose they did that?"
"Because Slag Firestoke is a miserable old rust-pit, and
he wants Jilian to marry somebody wealthy or famous."
"I don't suppose you are either of those?"
"No, I'm not. But I'll go back when I'm ready, and I'll
go on my own terms, and Slag Firestoke can go to corro-
sion for all I care."
"But you're going to find the helmet first."
"I intend to try. Maybe it was just a dream, but I want
to find out."
"Maybe the helmet will make you rich and famous,"
the kender suggested.
Still seething at the recent memory of betrayal and hu-
miliation, Chane squinted and peered at the misted val-
ley. The kender was right about one thing, he decided.
The valley seemed to try to hide itself, as though it didn't
want company