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. It was only with the help of the kender as
reinforcements that they had a chance of holding out
against the fierce soldiers of the Dragon Highlord.
The kender, with Quinby Cull urging them on, had
already begun their charge. The Paw's Mark Inn was just a
short distance from the prison, and now the kender were
racing like an angry wind toward the gate.
Quinby could see the battle unfolding up on the parapet.
The gnomes were fighting furiously to reach the gate's
pulley system. Quinby knew that if they failed, he and his
kender army would be racing toward death.
He saw gnomes dying. A dragonarmy soldier pierced
one of them in the chest with his sword. Another gnome
was thrown over the wall. And still another had his head
split open with an ax. But the gnomes fought on, gallantly
pushing the prison guards away from the gate. Until . . .
"It's opening!" cried Quinby just as he and his army of
kender were about to give up hope. Without having to
break their stride, they surged under the rising metal gate
and plowed right into a phalanx of dragon-army soldiers!
"Are we supposed to fight KENDER?!" demanded one
of the enemy with contempt in his voice.
Quinby heard the soldier and, filled with fury, he
shouted in return, "On this day you will not only fight
kender, you will die at our hands!" The soldier thrust his
sword's point toward Quinby's throat