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. He
wanted a real struggle, a worthy adversary. That was why
he had chosen to head toward Kornen and then up the
peninsula. The minotaurs lived near here. Savage man-
beasts with their own code of honor.
A commoner, making his ways to the more hospitable
lands to the southwest, had spoken of the village held in a
grip of terror by a great band of minotaurs. The man-beasts
prowled the woods and marched along the shore. Any day
now they would surely overrun the helpless settlement.
Torbin suspected the commoner of being a great
embellisher, and further questioning proved him correct in
that assumption. The great band was reduced to one lone
minotaur and a few whispered but unaccountable incidents.
The situation seemed ideal.
Two weeks later, Dragon's Point's new savior had
reached his destination.
It stank heavily of fish.
Three slightly better-dressed men met him at the village
center. By their continual bickering over which of them was
to speak - none of the three seemed to want the actual honor
- he assumed them to be members of the local governing
power. As a matter of fact, they turned out to be the mayor,
the chief fisherman, and the tax collector. Torbin took the
choice out of their hands by steering his horse toward the