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. For some
reason, it did not move when the ship listed, but remained
standing perfectly still, seemingly unaffected by the laws of
nature. "My staff might help, but the only thing I know how
to make it do is give light," he admitted shamefacedly.
"Besides," he added, lying wearily back down, "my head
aches so I can barely remember my name, much less a
magic spell."
The young men were silent, each thinking. Tanin
struggled against his bonds once more, then gave it up. The
leather had been soaked with water and had tightened when
it dried so that it was impossible for the big man to escape.
Then Sturm gave a low whistle and twisted his body to face
his younger brother.
"Palin," he said softly, "I remember a story about Uncle
Raistlin, how he and Father were captured by bandits and
he freed himself using a knife he had hidden on his wrist.
Do you - "
"Yes," said Palin. "I've got a knife like his. Justarius sent
it to me when I passed the Test. It's attached to my wrist
with a thong." He paused, then said reluctantly, "And I have
yet to figure out how the damn thing works."
Sturm and Tanin, sitting up hopefully at the beginning
of this conversation, lay back down with groans at its