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. . . powerful and wealthy. This
island and its people were mine," continued a dapper young
man, setting in the chair, a cold drink in his hand. "Care for
some? Tropical fruit punch. Not bad, I assure you. Where
was I?"
"The Graygem," Palin ventured. His brothers could only
stare in silence.
"Ah, yes," burbled a toad unhappily. "My great-great-great
- well, you get the picture - grandfather followed the damn
thing, centuries ago, in hopes of retrieving it. He did, for a
time. But his power failed as he grew old, and the Graygem
escaped. I don't know where it went, spreading chaos
throughout the world. But I always knew that . . . someday
... it would come within my grasp. And I'd be ready for it!"
A rabbit, sitting up on its hind feet, clenched its paw with a
stem look of resolve.
"Long years I study," said a gully dwarf, holding up a
grubby hand. "Two years. I think two years." The gully
dwarf frowned. "I make pretty design on floor. I wait. Two
years. Not more than two. Big rock come! I catch . . .
"And I'd trapped the Graygem!" shrieked an old,
wizened man with a wild cackle. "It couldn't escape me! At
last, all the magic in the world would be mine, at my
fingertips! And so it was, so it was," squeaked a red-eyed
rat, chewing nervously on its tail