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. An instrument which would later ennoble his lyrics with music, an
instrument later claimed to be of elven make!
the creatures in one frolicsome yet practical pursuit.15
Nonetheless, the chambers remained dangerous, and
Armavir was instructed by the Mechanical Engineers Guild
to remove these hazards. While dismantling one of the
more complicated structures in an alcove of the main
library at Mount Nevermind, Armavir stumbled across a
surprising discovery - one that might well have brought
about great technological advances had not the discoverer
soon been distracted from his studies.
It seemed that one of the wires had been affixed between
two ornamental copper helmets: one in the aforementioned
alcove, the other in a similar chamber directly above.
Sweating, entangled with wires, the young inventor began
to detach the crucial strands and to his astonishment heard
voices emanating from the helmet in the alcove. At first he
imagined the accompanying ghost of the standard "speaking
armor" legend,16 but decided otherwise when he heard only
giggling and the rustle of clothing that had been, like the
helmet in question, long abandoned.
It seemed that wire could conduct sound as well as heat,
and the thoughts of young Armavir were immediately
patriotic: an elaborate early warning system of wires
stretched taut from the undercity to the world aboveground,
where they could be affixed to metallic bowls cleverly
disguised as fruit or stars, and positioned in the huge
vallenwood trees on the slopes of Mount Nevermind