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. It was ecstasy. It
was the blood of life. It was - the feeder trembled - it was
like its own blood. The many children inside the feeder
struggled, aroused by the taste.
Preparing a spell, Raistlin called out, "Don't stab them!
They'll turn to stone!" Caramon dropped his sword and the
The feeder, dizzy with the strange green blood so like its
own, lay on the ground, its mouth opening and closing.
Dimly, it saw clawed hands and reptilian faces. Before the
dagger could collect itself, the big man picked it back up
and threw it at the clerics. The feeder braced for the rush of
green blood.
It heard the warning in its mind again: "Don't stab them.
They'll turn to stone." The children would die in stone. At
the last moment, it flipped a wing and wavered past the
clerics - draconians. They were draconians. The dagger
opened its wings and soared up, fast as a hawk, circling for
prey. It would never be more alive, more desperate and
deadly, than it was now.
Tanis was on the road. He was no user, no owner, but he
had blood and a body for children, and the Queen would
want him dead. The dagger circled once and dove straight
down, its whole body humming with the force of the dive