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. We're riding to level
three, for an... interview." She and two guards joined him
in the cage.
"Then what?" Flint scowled, trying to cover his nervous-
ness as the cage suddenly lurched upward. The mountain
dwarves seemed to be indifferent to the gently swaying
"That's up to Pitrick." She looked into his face for the first
time. "You should have anticipated the consequences of
your actions," she added angrily.
"Who is 'Pitrick?' "
"Chief adviser to Thane Realgar."
They rode upward in silence for a few moments. The cage
passed into a hollow cylinder in the bedrock, then emerged
onto a flat platform, perfectly square and approximately a
hundred feet on each side. The ceiling was quite high, nearly
at the limit of Flint's vision in the darkness. It appeared to be
a natural cavern roof, not an excavated ceiling, though how
it came to be suspended atop four square walls puzzled
Flint. Each of the walls held a sturdy gate, and each gate was
guarded by a pair of derro wearing the same purple plumage
as the sentries in the tunnel.
The cage lurched to a halt, and one of the derro swung the
gate open