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Flint did not find the odor unpleasant. Indeed, after his
long residence among humans, not to mention the constant
presence of kender, elves, and other races, this dominance
of nature refreshed his spirit and lightened his step. There
was something joyful in this solitude, in this pastoral adven-
ture, that brought a forgotten delight to Flint's soul.
For many hours he made slow progress, not from any
sense of exhaustion, but instead because of the great ease
within him. His hand stroked the smooth, worn haft of his
axe. Absently, his ears and eyes probed the woods, alert, al-
most hoping for a sign of trouble.
The trail forked and he paused, stark still for a moment,
listening, thinking. He sensed the earth, the twists and turns
in the surrounding land - as only dwarves could - through
his thick-soled boots. Soon he learned what he needed to
know, and he chose a direction.
Toward the south for a while. Flint followed no map and
needed no compass to maintain the route he had selected. It
would lead him the length of the woods, and avoid both the
lands of the Qualinesti elves to the south, and the seeker-
ruled city of Haven to the northwest