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. "Nomscul, where did that black stuff come from?"
"That all king want to know?" Nomscul asked. "It beast
guts." He pulled Flint over to the remains of the carrion
crawler and pointed. "See sack of yuk, there? They chop-
ping like you say, and out goop fly!"
"Must be like a venom sack," Perian suggested. "How are
we going to get rid of the rest of this thing without disturb-
ing that exploding organ?"
Flint was scratching his beard in thought. "Hand me your
dagger," he said to Perian. Puzzled, the mountain dwarf
pulled it from her belt and placed it into Flint's open palm.
He bent and stirred it around in the black slime.
"What do you think you're doing with my blade?" Perian
"Just give me a second here," Flint said softly. Flicking the
wrist of the hand that held the dagger, Flint sent some slime
sizzling on its way to the dirt floor. A loud clap, like a fire-
cracker, erupted, and then a narrow column of thick, acrid
smoke billowed upward. Flint checked the surface of Per-
ian's blade and saw that it was still smooth and unpocked.
Apparently, the substance was corrosive to skin, but more
durable objects, like metal, and probably glass and clay,
were impervious to its caustic effects