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. weapons, of a uniform nature, which can be used in precise
formations. Fortunately, a significant stock of such
weapons - approximately forty spears, twenty-five swords,
and thirty-five axes, or approximately one hundred weap-
ons in all - has just fallen into our hands. Unfortunately,
our militia contains just over three-hundred-fifty combat-
ants, leaving us with a shortfall of approximately,
uhhmmm, two-hundred-fifty weapons. Some of this can be
made up from existing inventory, but a large number of
weapons is still needed, desperately."
Broadblade paused for a moment, letting his math settle
on the crowd for effect. Then, with a stern face, he contin-
"Two more wagons should arrive tomorrow, according to
the usual schedule. We shall seize these wagons and appro-
priate their contents. Assuming they, too, contain fifty
weapons apiece, that brings our total to two-hundred. It
would, however, be imprudent to expect any more ship-
ments after that, as the Theiwar will quickly realize that
something is happening to their wagons