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Holden seemed eager to inspect the fortification. Now
that the evidence of mountain dwarf treachery was inescap-
able, Flint reflected sourly, the mayor had become a devout
patriot to the cause of Hillhome. Perhaps I'm being unfair,
Flint chided himself. The mayor only reflected the consen-
sus of the majority of the hill dwarves. The dwarves of
Hillhome had simply grown comfortable in their good life.
Anyone would be reluctant to rashly reject his prosperity
when confronted with claims of an unseen, secret enemy.
And, Flint reminded himself, when the fact of the enemy
had been made plain finally, the dwarves of Hillhome had
jumped to the defense of their community. The four hun-
dred harrn and frawl who had taken up arms ranged from
young adults to venerable grandfathers, and all were strong
and dedicated. And those who were not physically capable
of battle had been busy, too.
"Splendid, splendid!" crowed the mayor unnecessarily,
looking around the graceful curve of the earthen wall.
"Now, what is our strategy?"
Flint, Perian, Basalt, Hildy, and Turq looked at one an-
other over the stupidity of the question, as if they were di-
viding up for a game of luggerball