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. There was no reason. Much later, in
the darkest hour of the night, a voice whispered in her ear. .
. .
"Am I late?"
At first, Kyra was startled. She lifted her head and saw
Tosch. The familiar sight of the brass dragon set Kyra
crying all over again. He did his best to comfort her,
nestling her frail, shivering frame between his right wing
and his body. But he couldn't see what was so upsetting.
As best she could, she told Tosch what had happened.
Then she wept throughout the rest of the night. Finally, just
before dawn, Kyra fell into an exhausted sleep. The dragon
sighed. The sun would be coming up soon - and he
supposed he had better take her with him. There was
nothing for Kyra here. He lifted her onto his back and then
gently took wing.
Tosch watched a female brass dragon sailing in small,
lazy circles overhead. Without thinking, he turned his good
profile in her direction.
"I don't think I ever told you, but I do like Palanthas,"
Kyra announced from her seat on a nearby tree stump.
Tosch nodded absently, glancing down at the blue,
yellow, and orange clothes Kyra was sewing together for
him. "When will my new cape be finished?" he asked.
"I told you it would take six months," she said