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. (The
kender had already fully explored the shallow cave and was
unlikely to search it again.) Then there was nothing to do
but wait - and think.
The elf regained consciousness later that afternoon.
The kender was beside himself with joy and talked without
stop for two hours afterward, pestering the elf with
questions that he lacked the strength to answer. This gave
the elf a chance to eye his surroundings and take in the
goblin and minotaur; upon seeing the latter, the elf's eyes
widened and he seemed too afraid to move. The goblin kept
to the background and took care of minor chores that the
kender usually handled, saying nothing. The minotaur
merely grunted when it saw the elf, then went outside and
sat down to dine on a freshly killed boar taken from a pit
trap, noisily tearing into its dinner with its bare teeth.
When the kender ran off to fetch some water from the
nearby stream, the goblin ambled over and sat down on the
ground next to the elf, who tried to edge away. The goblin
pretended not to notice.
"You feel good?" asked the goblin in the trade tongue.
He knew only a few Silvanesti words, and he had never had
the chance to learn the goblin tongue - not that an elf would
have appreciated it