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. It looks like a regular
patrol, border checkers. They must all want to get back
home. They used to come into the woods when I was small,
but not so much lately. We should stay low and near trees
whenever possible." The kender turned to look up at the elf.
"Say, what spells are you going to use when we find the
humans, anyway?"
The elf looked down with a faint smile. "This was all
your idea. I thought you knew."
"No, really," said the kender. "You're a wizard. You
should know about stuff like this. Are you planning to
throw a blast of fire at them? Are you going to blow them
up just like that? Can I watch if I'm quiet?"
The goblin, who had turned to continue the trek,
stopped to hear the elf's response. The same thought about
their tactics had been going through his mind, too, but he
had planned to ask about it this evening when they made
camp. Would the elf do all the work for them?
The elf's lips pressed tightly together. His face was
now less puffy, but it was an off-green color, the bruises
and cuts fading away slowly. "We'll see," he said. "I have a
few things with me that might help. I'll need to think it out,
but we should be able to put on quite a show. I doubt that
the patrol will ever forget it